This World Environment Day, Start by Reviving the Ecosystem at Home

Sneha Garg
6 min readJun 5, 2021


From forests to wetlands to coasts, our survival is dependent on healthy ecosystems. Ecosystems are defined as “the interaction between living organisms such as plants, animals, people with their surroundings. This includes both nature and human-made systems such as cities or farms.” The sad part is — we are losing and damaging our ecosystems at an alarming rate at a time humanity can least afford it.

Picture Credit: Pexels

Every year, we lose over 4.7 million hectares of land — an area larger than entire Denmark. More than half of the world’s wetlands have disappeared in the last century. Global greenhouse gas emissions have increased for three consecutive years increasing our pace towards a potentially catastrophic climate change. The need to act on this is necessary and urgent.

Thus, this World Environment Day, the United Nations is launching the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration — “to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on every continent and in every ocean. It can help to end poverty, combat climate change and prevent a mass extinction.” In simpler terms, to bring back plants and animals from the brink extinction, to repair billions of hectares of land so that people have access to food, clean water and jobs.

But it’s not just the work of big and small organizations to do. We all will have to come forward and contribute in the process. And so, we at Kive, are going to share with you some simple ways in which you can help restore the ecosystem by making small adaptions in your life. Of course, our duty as citizens of the world doesn’t end here, but trust us, it’s a good start!

  1. Buy locally produced food

Every area has food which grows naturally in the environment depending on the soil condition, water availability, etc. They are of course easier to grow and allow to keep the resources used in a state of balance. Buy food that is produced locally, it will not only help in maintaining the eco-balance and save fuel used for transportation but keep you healthy — locally produced food generally is more nutritious since it reaches you while it’s super fresh!

Picture Credit: Pexels

2. Keep water and seeds for birds in your balcony or terrace

Just like humans, all living species around us need water and food. In urban areas, it can be difficult for birds to find water from natural sources due to which a large number of birds die especially during hot summer months. Similarly, most of them end up with plastic or other forms of trash in their stomachs while looking for food. If there are a lot of stray animals around your house, you can try feeding them too!

3. Grow more plants at home, plant trees if possible

You can never have enough plants, can you? They not only improve the air quality but it’s also proven by multiple studies that they can help lower your stress levels, improve your mental health and keep you productive. Helping restore the ecosystem isn’t that bad after all, isn’t it? You can also choose to build a small kitchen garden depending on the availability of space and get some freshly produced spices, fruits and vegetables all at home.

Take a step further and plant trees in your neighborhood. You can also get together a few of your neighbors and organize a plantation drive!

Picture Credit: Pexels

4. Start segregating your waste and convince members of your locality to do the same

One of the major issues that both urban and rural ecosystems face is that of trash — the never ending heaps of trash. Most of the waste we produce ends up in landfills especially if aren’t able to segregate it. This waste also ends up our water bodies, forests, etc. Make easy segregations at home — have separate bins for your dry and wet waste. If you’re willing to do more, you can start composting your kitchen waste and use it for your beautiful plants at home. Fun fact: you’ll be amazed with the amount of waste you can recycle when you start segregating.

5. Reduce your energy consumption

This might sound pretty indirect but it is so so important to reduce your energy consumption. The eco-logically balance of so many places is getting adversely affected due to creation of dams to provide electricity, the displacement of humans, animals, plants affects the natural ecosystem of these locations.

You don’t have to be without electricity, you just have to make sure you are making judicious use of it. There are so many ways to save energy — do not switch of lights till the time you can use natural light from outside, do not use air conditioners when there’s a nice wind blowing outside, try to be in the same room as your family members whenever you can to use less energy, switch to energy saving electrical appliances, etc. You can even install solar lamps on your terrace or in your balconies.

6. Install a small rainwater harvesting system in your house

If we all start doing rainwater harvesting, we help really help solve the water crisis to a great extent. If you cannot directly install a system with pipeline connections in place, start small by saving small quantities of rainwater — maybe a bucket or two and then gradually increase. Using rainwater will help reduce your water needs otherwise and help replenish the natural groundwater. You should, of course, try to save water in other ways whenever and wherever you can.

7. Re-use and recycle

Our ecosystems will surely be at the best when we can all be zero-waste. However, being truly sustainable is a rather long journey. So take little steps to reuse and recycle what you already have so that lesser waste ends up in landfills and harm our ecosystems. You can also start buying secondhand products — they are much more affordable and super good for the environment. You can also sell the products you no longer need and save from ending up in trash. If you can’t find someone to sell, you can always donate!

8. Use your online presence to save the environment

While it will be super cool if we all reduce the use of our mobile phones and laptops, we do understand that it takes a lot of dedication. But you can really help save the environment on the internet. With rapid urbanization, governments all over the world are not even thinking twice before destroying natural habitats. But there are some amazing organizations that are sharing useful information and even creating ways of protesting online and signing petitions to stop this from happening. Follow these organizations, amplify their voices and support them in whichever way you can.

Picture Credit: Pexels

9. Educate people around you

Not everyone has easy access to information and the ability to apprehend things. It is important that we make sure that we share the knowledge we have with others so that they can also play their part in restoring our ecosystems and saving the planet. Again, we only will be able to do it if all of us are together!

As we always say, remember that you cannot possibly do it all at once. Pick out the ones you can start easily and quickly and then hop onto to the others! :)

